BRY-RIAN Brand Bananas
As part of the Brian and Ryan persona works, the banana stickers play with a familiar image on imported bananas with a small twist. a total of 150 unique designs have been printed as part of this infiltration of everyday ephemera.
BRY-RIAN Bag Masks
Screen prints created in 2010. Images of Brian and Ryan on brown paper bags complete with cut-out holes for eyes and mouth. The blue printed bags are Ryan and the Red printed bags are Brian. The bags have been used in a variety of events including the 2010 Crosswalk-a-Thon and the 2011 Chain Mail exhibit and most recently in a series of interventions in national city and the pop-up shops in in LA and San Diego.
Originally installed in the LUX Art Institute's Education Gallery, A kistchmas speacial is a kitch encrusted installation that combines the holiday tradition deep seated in the mempries of Brian and Ryan. Thousands of orniments, five wall mounted kitschmas tress, five ornement adorned christmas trees, 500 kistchmas cards, eclectic garland, stocking hunf on a massively decorated mantle, ginger bread mutants, and holiday eggnogg.
A Kistchmas Special
Click on Brian or Ryan for more about Kistchmas